Rebranding Union Bank of India
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The majority of the bank shares were with the government (60.85 percent) while institutional investors and retail investors held 4.11 and 35.04 percent of shares respectively. The bank went public on August 20, 2002, with its Initial Public Offering (IPO). The government had a share of 60.85 percent and the remaining 39.15 percent were with institutions, individuals, and others. The bank went in for a Follow on Public Offer (FPO) on February 15, 2006. The FPO was over-subscribed by 29.82 percent. The pattern of share holding changed with 55.43 percent of shares being with the government and institutions holding 31.17 percent of shares. Individuals and others held 13.40 percent of shares. On April 1, 2006, M V Nair (Nair) took over as Chairman and Managing Director of the bank from K Cherian Verghese (Verghese). Verghese had developed a strong base for the bank and Nair strengthened this through various initiatives. Nair, who had served Dena Bank8 as Executive Director before taking charge as Chairman and Managing Director of iUnion Bank, started leveraging technology, process change, and empowering people through the 'Nav Nirman' project...
7] "Draft Red Herring Prospectus of Union Bank of India by Security Exchange Board of India",, May 06, 2011. ![]()
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